- Mirror Mirror in my hand? Who's the fairest in the land? 镜子,镜子在我手?谁在主持这世界的正义?
- When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off (in my hand). 我刚一提这个罐,把儿就掉了(握在我手中).
- She struck a glass of wine in my hand. 她一掌打落了我手中的一杯酒。
- The handle of the cup came away in my hand. 我用手一拿,杯子的柄就掉了。
- I crushed the empty beer can in my hand. 我压扁手中的空啤酒罐。
- I hold a pair of chopsticks in my hand. 我在手中拿双筷子。
- The teapot just came apart in my hands. 茶壶就在我手中裂开了。
- I never raised my hand to her in my life. 我一生中从未动手打人。
- The tiny antique silver pin lay in my hand. 那枚小小的旧银别针就放在我的手上。
- Her eyes rested on the piece of paper in my hand. 她的目光落在我手里的一张纸上。
- I hold a pair of chopsticks in my hand . 我在手中拿双筷子。
- I paused where I was with my napkin in my hand. 我迟疑了一下,手里还拿着餐巾。
- Before I had time to spit in my hands, he finished the work. 在我还没工夫往掌上吐一口唾沫之前,他已经把那件工作做完了。
- I've only one diamond left in my hand. 我手里仅剩一个方片了。
- Show a photo. T: What's this in my hand? 告诉学生
- The pot just came apart in my hand. 茶壶就在我手中裂开了。
- At that moment the world was hold in my hand. 那刻我拥有了世界。只是记得。
- Now, look, I have a ball in my hand. 看,我手里拿了一个球。
- My baby pictures show a silver rattle in my hand. 我有几张婴孩时期的照片,可以看出我手上拿的是银做的响铃。
- I suppose I could just put these nuts in my hand. 真希望能把那些豆子拽在手里。